Hi! I’m SSgt Maddie Wadeson, a production recruiter for the Montana Air Guard in Great Falls, MT. I grew up in Minnesota, and joined the North Dakota Air Guard in 2019 during my junior year of college at the University of North Dakota. After graduating with my bachelors in 2021, I taught Middle School English before I became a full-time recruiter in North Dakota.
I had many wonderful experiences and met some life-long friends during my 4 years in the ND Air Guard. I recently made the move to Great Falls in 2023 to live closer to the mountains to fit my outdoorsy lifestyle of hiking, camping, and running.
In my free time, I enjoy reading, training for triathlons, and doing any kind of outdoor activity. I'm looking forward to creating new memories in Montana, and can’t wait to work with you and start your Air Guard Journey!
Make sure to connect on Instagram with SSgt Wadeson here!