Command information Published Feb. 10, 2017 By Col. Patrick Hover 120th Operations Group Commander GREAT FALLS, Mont. -- In thinking of what to write in this month’s article one thing kept coming to my mind. “Thanks”. 120th Operations Group Commander Col. Patrick Hover. Photo Details / Download Hi-Res “What do you mean, thanks?”Well, what I mean is the general spirit or behavior of giving thanks, and being thankful for all we are blessed with and the great people we work with. No, this is not “Thanksgiving,” but I will tell you what I’m thankful for and see if you might be as well.With regard to professional groups, I’m thankful for the Montana Air National Guard. This is without a doubt the best organization I have ever been a part of. It has provided crucial protection and service to this great nation for a very long time. It has forever challenged and changed me for the better. I always trust and know that as a wing, we will always strive to be relevant and will work hard to provide that level of service to the American public or those nations abroad as we accomplish the Mobility Air Force mission.Now for the most important part for me: the people.I am forever thankful to the men and women of the MTANG. Regardless of whatever crisis we are diving on or the hot topic of the month, we as a collective whole back each other up, and get it done. Without the people the mission will not get accomplished.The relationships I have built over more than 31 years up on “The Hill” are very special to me. It’s what makes us strong. It’s not the “winters," or the “air," or the “water” up here for that matter, it’s the relationships, the fellowship and the common bond of team Montana that ties us together in a way not many units or teams can muster up.I’m thankful to the DSG’s that juggle so much to be “all” to two jobs and their families. I’m thankful to the full-timers, military and civilians that slug it out every day to make this place better and meet the challenges of a full-up wing with one-third the full-time staff.I’m thankful to spirit of volunteerism that we generate. I’m thankful for those who have gone into harm's way and for those still over there doing the good work that they do.So at the end of the day, I’m thankful, very thankful, for ALL of YOU!